It Is Done
It's been a rollercoaster, whirl-windy shit-storm of a ride but it's finally done. Honestly did not think I would be able to get this done in time with all the videos I had to edit but my motto is "Perseverance is Key" and I like to stick to it at all times. The process was enlightening. At times I thought this is definitely how I'm gonna present this only to completely abandon the idea and switch it up. It made me understand how change will always happened and you must learn to deal with it. Adaptation. Learning about the similarities in different black families made me understand and appreciate our connection. They are not the same, but they share similar mindsets. Similar familial values. Some are good and some are not so great but no one is perfect. Mindfulness is all I preach. We can't continue to disregard the mental issues going on in our families and communities. Charity begins at home, so let's be mindful of our loved ones and how they ar...