Leave it To god

That's some shit people tell you (especially in black communites) when you tell them you're not feeling well. Now I don't mean the physical well-being. I mean the mental, the invisible, the hidden. The side of me you can never truly see. Not unless I show you. Not unless I make the decision. Black communities don't usually take mental illness seriously. It's almost always taken for granted yet so many people cry out, try to seek solace, find healing. Even with their own people but like the saying goes it be your own. So sometimes you need to take it upon yourself. Sometimes you don't trust some people to help you. Sometimes it's a personal journey. But you're not alone. Now I'm not gonna say some corny shit like this is a journey towards self-healing cos it's not. I'm not giving you some ephemeral set of instructions on how to get back to normal cos there isn't only one way for that. It starts and ends with you. What I am doing here is awareness. Enlightenment. Drawing your attention to something that needs focusing on. Not neglect. Not some nonexistent problem we offer to some deity. It is real. It is there. But we all don't know it. Sit back and pay attention to the issue. It's really something you should look into.


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