“Environments are invisible. Their ground rules, pervasive structure, and overall patterns elude easy pereception"
Environments define us and the camera is a perfect way to show people what exactly you see in your current environment. With these pictures you see first hand the people that surround me and how that frames my thinking. Environment could mean various things. the natural environment. the human environment. the artificially made natural environments. All environments are linked regardless of how you think about it. The natural environment nurtures and supplies the artificial environment. The artificial feeds off and replenish the natural. Well, in theory. Each environment might have it’s nuance here and there but when you look deep enough you realize each are following the same template. Cut from the same cloth styled differently. Each environment may have it’s differences, different functions, different rules each has an equally respectable role in society. In one particular environment we let sobriety out the window. No judgment. In another kids live their wildest fantasies for a brief moment just like their favorite cartoons. Free. So why don’t we respect every environment we know. After all, it helps us all in the long run.
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